Master your Finances
Learn Money Lessons From The Big five

Journey with Old Mutual
On The Money
The On The Money programme is designed to give participants a good understanding of money- related issues, new skills to manage finace and a variety of reminders to help you maintain your new financial behaviour. The programme is based on the behaviours of Africa’s Big Five animals. The unique characteristics of the Lion, Leopard, Elephant, Rhino and Buffalo, as found in nature, have been distilled to teach us how to manage our personal and family finances.

On The Money
Jumpstart your financial journey with the open introductory course on financial management

Secrets of The Big Five

The Leopard
Have a clear idea of your goals and what you are saving for. Be realistic – the leopard always aims for things it knows it can get.

The Lion
Eat first ahead of the pack by committing to an automatic, fixed savings plan. This will help you change your spending patterns. Even if you save small amounts, you will be developing a savings habit.

The Rhino
Getting out of debt can be one of life’s most difficult challenges, but it is also one of the most important things you can ever do. The rhino’s weapon is to charge. When threatened, it looks for the biggest threat and charges, taking swift control of the situation. Learn from the rhino by charging down your debt as fast as you can.

The Elephant
Knowledge is power. The elephant never forgets. Human memory is a little unreliable. Proper record-keeping will help you understand your spending habits much better and how to change them to suit your income and future goals.

The Buffalo
The mighty buffalo is deliberate and steady. It steadily grows and protects its herd, knowing its strength and future are in its numbers. Financial institutions invest your money to make it grow. Our lesson is that it’s important to leave your investment for a long period of time – so it can grow. Choose investments that suit you and stick to them.

What are you waiting for?
Register now and take control of your finances!